Evaluation Plan for Boarding App
Develop a user test plan. The test plan is a in-person experiment. Things that you will want to think about when creating your evaluation plan:
- What are you testing?
- What do you want to learn? What concerns, questions, and goals is the test focusing on?
- Where/when will the test take place? How long will it take?
- What tasks will you ask the user to perform that will help answer your questions?
- How will your participants share their feedback? (Think aloud, questionnaire/survey, post-test interviews...)
Prepare the outline of how the user test will be run, written instructions that you will read to the users, and any other materials (e.g. questionnaires, interview questions) that will be used during the session. You will need consent forms for your participants.
The final document of my Evaluation Plan
1. What I'm testing?
I have a high fidelity prototype made with HTML / CSS / JAVASCRIPT of an application that facilitate people to find the correct boarding gate at airports. The prototype has a database in mysql and use PHP as server language and is made to webpage. At the next stage of development it must be adapted to mobile devices. I'm going to test differents points of the app:
- How to create a user.
- How to plan a travel.
- How to consult past travels.
- How to consult future travels.
- How to consult today travel.
I'm going also to simulate a display as if the user were at an airport. At this display I'm going to test if the user understand the information that is provided at this window and if he can find it easily.
2. What I want to learn, What concerns, questions, and goals is the test focusing on?
I want to learn about how the users interact with the app.
- Can the users achieve the goal easily?
- Can they create a travel plan easily?
- Are the labels of form clear?
- Can they use the info they are created?
- Can they find easily the past travels they did?
- Can they understand the values displayed at simulate airport display?
3. What tasks will I ask the user to perform that will help answer my questions?
- You are going to travel from San Francisco to Rome. Please, add this travel to your's travel plan.
- You are not sure if you're travel to San Francisco to Rome in the past. Please, check-out this.
- You want to know what are the future travels that you have in your agenda. How can you consult them.
- Please, edit the next travel that you have in your future flights changin the departure airport to Ontario.
- Suposse you are today a flight and you are at the airport, and that your are now at the airport. Please, let me know how much time is estimated that you need to go to the boarding gate.
- What do you think this page is telling you? (note: This is a question to know the feeling of the user with the app)
4. How will your participants share their feedback?
As facilitator I'm going to encourage the participants to think aloud. I could take notes, but to no miss important details I'm going to capture screen activity with video and audio of the test participants.
Thank you for participate in our usability test.
We are going to record your session to facilitate that the stuff of Boarding App that were unable to come today to observe the session will benefit from your comments.
Please, read carefully the next declaration and sing below:
I understand that my usability test is going to be recorded.
I allow that Boarding App use this recording with the object of improve the designs that they are testing.