Begin by selecting a specific activity to observe.
I've choose the Glance's design brief to my observation. I've observed three different people interacting with their mobile phones. My interest was to know what are their favourite apps, how where they dispose at the different windows and how the users interact when the mobile when they receive a notification of a new email or message/post in a social network. The idea is to improve how the alerts and messages are shown to the user making more easy an intuitive the way the user interact with then.
Mariángeles is on his 30s. She uses a lot the mobile phone with a continuous connection to internet. Her most important app is WhatsApp. He has this app alone at the first window of his mobile. For her is very important when he reorder his apps that they don't hidden his wallpaper (a picture of his cat). For that reason she only dispose 3 apps at the bottom of each window. He has a lot of app divided at a large number of windows and organised by different themes (Social networks, mail, RSS Feeds...)
The sports and games apps are also important and they are grouped in two different folders.
When she receive a notification from mail, RSS or network the appear at the top of the window and he has to display the notification panel to see a resume of them.
At the time I was observe a large amount of notifications arrive at the status bar and it was difficult to recognize at first sight what kind of message is without enter at the notification panel.
Victor is at his first 30s. He uses a lot the mobile phone with a continuous connection to internet. Her most important app is WhatsApp. He has this app at the first window of his mobile. At the first window there are also Facebook an Google Maps Applications, and the movile camera.
The rest of the app aren't organiced in any way and the are disposed filling different windows.
He has the same problem that Mariáneles when he receive too much notification at the status bar and he find hard to identify the different messages without enter at the notification panel. For his is also tedious that when he make click to an email, for example, the mobile web navigator is automatically open to see on the original web the message.
Juan is at his 40s. He doesn't use the mobile phone with interact at social networks. At the first window he has the app that he use regularly: Mobile Contacts, Calls Historial, Lanter, SMS, Voice Recorder, Video Recorder and Photo Camera.
At the second window he has a mazimixe calendar and at the rest of windows hi dispose the apps without any order.
He listen music with the movile device but not online. He has a lot of mp3 and he use a pay app to listen then (WimpAmp)
He use also the movile to read ebooks.
To navegate for the different windows and apps he don't use the tactil display he prefers an optic button, similar to the blackberry central button.
After observing people, go over your findings and use them to brainstorm a list specific user needs: opportunities for design innovation that would enable computers to better support the activity you observed. All ideas are good ones at this stage.
You are not looking for solutions yet: focus on user needs and goals only.
Find inspiration for the solutions you will be brainstorming in the next assignment. Inspiration can be existing applications, artifacts, products, or services that relate to your concept. It may be that a carrot-peeler or a measuring cup is your inspiration for an elegant and ergonomic software interface design. You may be inspired to improve upon an existing service or go in a totally different direction. Cast the net wide and find as much as you can.
They need to express the goal to find an app by a search of an index. iPad has a powerfull tool to search apps or documents.
Could be interesting to thing out ot the box and forget about how we enter always in an app; making click. Fjord Design Studio is working in a new User Interface for Android based in something called Touch Points, where the information come to the user.
Optimizing Android User Experience: A Case Study in Mobile UI Design
Playbutton is a gadget to lisen mp3 where use is related with the need of Juan at point 9. To operate the Playbutton so simply plug in yours and the device will automatically start playing. Unplug your headphones and it will stop playing.
Desktop Visualizer makes shortcuts or widgets with the image specified or the icon of another application for the Home screen. You can change the icon when you create a shortcut.