Revisit the Heuristic Evaluation Results

Take a look at the feedback you got last week from the Heuristic Evaluation of your prototype. Distill the results into a list of concrete changes you want to make to your prototype. Use what worked, and improve what didn't.

List the changes you are making to your prototype, based on the heuristic evaluation you received on Assignment 2

  • Make clear the interactions at the prototype. How to past to a screen to another.
  • Develop what can do the user a the "plan your travel" panel.
  • Not include "Plan your travel" at the same level that "Now", "Future" and "Past" travels.
  • Explain that the information for navegate inside the airport is with WI-Fi and not GPS is necessary.
  • Explain that Future and Past flights are below the map because the user can program a tavel with two or more scales and he could be interested to see them.
  • Include a "Get Back to main menu" buttom.
  • The fixed text at the header of the app: "Where are you to fly today?" is a retoric question but can confuse some users. Change it.
  • Help button is missing. I have to fix it.
  • Show how the Error prevention works and how users recognise and recover from errors.
  • User control and freedom: How can a user modify his plan or travel or add information manually? Make this clear at the prototype.
  • Did not see indication of wi-fi once inside airport. Also what if some airports do not allow wi-fi or charge for it. Some go through a third party service, which means you need to login. How would your app handle this problem?
  • For future & past travels, maybe look at someone like travelocity to see how they manage semantic behavior.
  • The "Get Back to main menu" button is not so intuitive.
  • The plane icon does not connect with "home" or main menu.
  • Help is good, but not so clear on how to get back to app.
  • Unclear about errors.
  • Unclear on a user modifying his travel plan or adding information manually.
Peer feedback

Implementation Plan

Create an implementation plan in Google Spreadsheet. List each component of the prototype and view them as a programming chunck, with has a deadline. List also the possible constrains.

We are not really building a functional app, but you have to imagine that you have the 5 weeks course to do this real.

The Documentation plan was originally published as a Google Spreadsheet

Week 1: Design and Implementation
Task Deadline Status Comment Estimated hours Actual hours spent
Develop index page skeleton: with XHTML and CSS 06/12/2012 Compelte 2 1
Design user's form "Plan your travel" with XTML and CSS 06/12/2012 Complete 2 2
Design semantic structure form the rest of the panels at the Accordion in static XHTML 06/12/2012 Complete 2 2
Add JQuery UI Accordion Plugin and and custumize styles 06/12/2012 Complete 1 2
Query database for user and successfully display user name at the top of the App 06/13/2012 Not Started 1 0
Query database for Plan your travel and successfully display mock values. 06/13/2012 OK "Plan your table" table's values are reuse at "Today's flight", "next flight" and "past travels" 4 0
Synchronyze module: Extract information about flights from airlines 06/13/2012 OK 3 0
Synchronyze module: Extract information about flights from airports 06/13/2012 Not Started 3 0
Compare information and update database app 06/13/2012 Not Started If dates are different use the airport information 2 0
Create different mock travels at the database 06/14/2012 Not Started 1 0
Test Synchroyze module and retrive information from airlines and airports 06/14/2012 Not Started 1 0
Compare the information showed at our app with the information in airlines and airports webpages 06/14/2012 Not Started 6 0
Mashup the app with the google maps api 06/15/2012 Not Started 4 0
Mashup the app with wifi spot hots of airports 06/16/2012 OK 4 0
Test if the GPS works at Barajas airport 06/17/2012 Not Started 8 0
Week 2: Implementation
Task Deadline Status Comment Estimated hours Actual hours spent
Trip to Barcelona 06/18/2012 No started Reading documentation during flight 2 0
Test if the GPS works at Barcelona airport 06/18/2012 Not Started 4 0
Comeback to Madrid 06/18/2012 Not Started Reading documentation during flight 2 0
Implement the search engine 06/19/2012 Not Started 8 0
Repeat the test at Barajas Airport 06/20/2012 Not Started 4 0
Debug and fixed possible programming errors 06/20/2012 No Started "Plan your table" table's values are reuse at "Today's flight", "next flight" and "past travels" 4 0
Debug and fixed possible programming errors 06/21/2012 No Started If no errors, improve graphic design from the app 8 0
Review the code to find some accesibility fails and fixed them 06/21/2012 Complete 4 4
Travel to visit my parents 06/22/2012 Not Working No working on the app today 0 0
With my parents 06/23/2012 Not Working No working on the app today 0 0
Comeback to Madrid at night 06/24/2012 Not Working No working on the app today 0 0
Week 3: Users Evaluation
Task Deadline Status Comment Estimated hours Actual hours spent
Recruit 5 users to test the app 06/25/2012 No started They could be people at my workplace that I know that usually flight 4 0
Book a sparing meeting room at the office 06/25/2012 Not Started 2 0
Test the equipment: Mobile Phone 06/25/2012 Not Started 2 0
Test the app with the 5 users 06/26/2012 Not Started 8 0
Analize the test results 06/27/2012 Not Started 4 0
fix the usability fails 06/27/2012 No Started 4 0
fix the usability fails 06/28/2012 No Started 8 0
My girlfriend is coming to visit me 06/29/2012 No working on the app today 4 4
Spending time with my lovely girlfriend 06/30/2012 Not Working No working on the app today 0 0
Spending time with my lovely girlfriend 07/01/2012 Not Working No working on the app today 0 0

Needs to think more about the user, not so much about coding.

Peer feedback

Start Coding

Create a home screen and add links that lead to the major screens. It's okay if the screens are placeholders, the goal is to get a navigational skeleton up there such that someone can click around and get a good feel of the application's flow. You will fill in the blanks and flesh out the details later. This is a minimal requirement for the programming part of the assignment. You are encouraged to go beyond.

The prototype is built with XHTML + CSS + JQUERY